Ready to stop dieting and start living life to the full?


I see you.

You’re one amazing high-achieving woman

You’re successful in so many parts of life. 

But there is one part of life you are still not happy with.

Your body and the way you lose your head around food. 

You are constantly searching for the perfect diet.  You’ve tried them all, you’ve hated them.

None of them have worked the way you wanted right?

Plus they all come with a whole lot of baggage.

A heavy backpack of shame, guilt, anxiety, judgement and berating.

All of which feeds back into your belief that it is all food’s fault. 

It has consumed a lot of time, money and energy!

It’s blimin’ exhausting, all of it. 

You’re so tired of it all. 



  • You want to stop obsessing over food.

  • You want to feel confident in the body you’ve been given. 

  • You want energy to be able to embrace life fully. 

“After 6 weeks of working with Nickie and working hard to implement the strategies she has suggested I was feeling much more in control - not just in control around food but in other aspects of life as well”

Hi, I’m Nickie

I work with women like you who are driven to make an impact in this world.

Women, who need to be able to show up as their best self day in and day out. But are worn out from a lifetime of food ruling their life. 

I understand the challenges you face as a high-achieving woman. Life is full, busy and often very stressful. You want to be able to do everything perfectly. Especially when it comes to food. 

But that can be your downfall. As soon as something doesn’t go to plan, you give up on it all and look for the next enticing quick fix. 

I will help you break free from the food rules and restrictions so you can feel good around food and in your body, all in a way that supports overall health and longevity

EVERYBODY deserves to feel good in their BODY. 

When we work together you will go from… 

  • Overwhelmed to empowered

  • Confused to confident

  • Stressed to energised 

  • Surviving to thriving.

I provide you with a stable and neutral sounding voice

I am the accountability partner you need to move past the discomfort of change, the one to push you outside your current belief system so you can grow in a safe space. 

Most importantly I am your biggest cheerleader to celebrate every milestone along the way

How does it work?

DITCH THE DIET is a high-touch premium coaching program for women ready to transform their relationship with food, cultivate body confidence and unlock the energy they need to live life to the full.

DITCH THE DIET: Stop dieting, start living!


It’s all about clearing the clutter

Here we focus on clearing the mental clutter so you can make way for something amazing.

We begin by discovering your WHY - if you’ve been living up in your head, it’s time to take a step back and understand the deeper motivations that drive your choices. 

All of this will help you break free from the chaos of dieting, releasing yourself from the ongoing guilt, shame and anxiety about food.


It’s all about getting out of your head and into your body

The peak of this journey is about getting you out of your head and into your body. It’s about learning what your body is truly capable of, no matter what it looks like.

There is a lot to learn here and most of which happens through movement.

This phase allows you to reconnect with your body and experience a profound shift in how to relate to your body.


It’s all about you and food

Food is food – after the work you’ve done to ditch all that diet drama, it is time to finally enjoy food as a source of nourishment, connection and joy - without any guilt or judgement.

This phase is about building your food philosophy, creating a personalised approach to eating that aligns with your values and goals and learning to gently nourish yourself for health and longevity.

It's a journey to develop a healthy, positive connection with food that's centered around your unique needs and desires.

“Of course changing old habits and embracing new ones does not happen overnight. I have the objectives we nut out in each session pasted in my diary so I can remind myself. When life throws a curveball I can revert to the old habits but knowing Nickie is there and scheduling a 1:1 to get back on track is just so valuable.”

Together we will unlock all the energy you need to achieve your goals in a way that is...

  1. Designed specifically for you

  2. Makes you feel good

  3. Works around your work and family life

  4. Is sustainable, even when life doesn’t go to plan 


  • The first step is to book a free 30 min discovery call. You will be asked to provide some information about what your challenges are as well as your goals. On the call we will see if we are a good fit to work together and if we are and the program is going to be the best fit for you, then I will make you an offer to work together.

    I only take a limited number of clients into the program each month.

  • Ditch the Diet is an online 1:1 coaching program. The program is delivered through a deep-dive VIP session, then individual coaching sessions and full access to my online portal with tools, recipes and trainings to help you achieve your goals. You get full 1 to 1 support from me in between sessions throughout the entire program.

  • This is a really common question and something a lot of people are wanting. The true answer is that I really can’t say! This program is focused on healing your relationship with food and your body. Letting go of dieting and diet culture also means letting go of a fixation on the size/shape of your body. By healing your relationship with food, you will be able to nourish and move your body from a place of self-care and self-respect. If there have been times where you have been overeating, then you may see changes in your weight. However, this is different for everyone and all depends on what your body’s set-point is when it comes to weight.

  • Such a good question! I totally understand you have to consider the time, money and energy that you are going to invest in yourself. I can definitely say there is no better investment than the one in yourself and one that helps you heal your relationship with food and your body.

    The program will take around 1 hour of your time a week + any extra time on trainings or worksheets that you want to work through outside of sessions.

    The program is tailored to you and prices can range from $899 - $6000. The best option is to book a free discovery call to talk about what will work best for you!